Sunday, August 31, 2008

Your The God of This City

Every week I lead a small Bible study at Luneta Park, deep in the heart of Manila. Two weeks ago as I walked to the study, I noticed a stage being set up at Ocean Park Stadium, very close to where we hold our study. My friend explained to me that is was being built for a huge concert to be put on by one of the many false teaching groups here in Manila. They were preparing for a huge crowd, and a huge offering to be sure. It got me thinking, what could be done to draw a crowd of this scale, simply to worship and praise our God, and how might God want to use us to do this.

Manila is one of the most populous cities in the world, and it is our will that the name of Jesus would be lifted up here, higher than ever before. The Passion tour recently came through Manila, and it was a tremendous blessing to see nearly 7000 cram in to the Ultra Arena, to praise our Saviour. A special thanks to Louie Giglio and the crew for putting on the event. But, I think we can do better. We are starting from scratch with nothing but a vision and an "Unexpendable God". If you are interested in joining this new venture please contact us at:

In His Service, Justin and Erin McDonald

Please click on the link above to visit our new website and blog.