Saturday, June 20, 2009

We're Back

Hey everybody sorry for such a long time between posts.  Despite our two month absence from school, we have some how managed not to forget everything.  Slowly but surely we are making progress in our Tagalog studies.  Currently we have class three times per week.  We are grateful for amazing teachers who encourage us even when we feel like we're moving backwards.  We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we continue to study the language.

The study at our condo continues every Tuesday and the group is finally starting to grow.  A few older children from our building started attending two weeks ago.  Erin is currently teaching through the book of Exodus.  

Depending upon the weather we also teach the study for the homeless at Luneta Park.   When it rains there's no where to hide, so unfortunately we have to cancel on rainy days.  We are plugging away at the book of Matthew.  Also please remember to pray for our dear friends and fellow workers Rowell and Joy as they move to the province to pastor a church.  Rowell is a great friend and also our translator for the Luneta study.  God has called him and his family to pastor a church in Montalban, and though we are sad to see him go, we know that the Lord has a plan for them at their new church.  Also please continue to pray that the hearts of the people would be open to the message of Christ.   

Last but not least we are grateful to the Lord for our new friends, Mike, Susanna, and little Max, who recently moved to the Philippines from the U.S.  They are missionaries working with Pioneers.  This week we have been helping them paint and move into their new home.  It is great some have new friends.  

God has continued to prove faithful, and we are privileged to be here serving him in the Philippines.  We would again like to thank you our faithful friends, prayer warriors and financial supporters, who make this work possible.

In His Service,
Justin and Erin McDonald

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