Friday, November 14, 2008

Shem Adonai Christian Language School

Praise God for sold cars and anonymous donations. Thanks to the fact that we were finally able to sell my Civic, and thanks to the amazing people in Hawaii who were so gracious in their giving, we were able to enroll in formal language school last week. The school is a Christian language school that focuses on equipping missionaries with the tools and practice necessary to learn Tagalog. For now we are only able to attend two days per week, but are praying that we will be able to move to five days per week after the New Year. After only two lessons, we have been encouraged to see our understanding and ability to put together simple sentences start to blossom. Please continue to pray for us as we study the language and as we continue to minister to those we come in contact with. We are getting excited to come home and visit in March and tell you all about what the Lord has been doing in and through us here in the Philippines. Again we would like to thank you our faithful supporters for giving us the privilege and opportunity to serve the Lord full time in the Philippines.

In His Service,
Justin and Erin McDonald

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